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Ves enrere WIND, Astrid de; BECKERS, D.G.; NIJP, H.H.; HOOFTMAN, W.; BOER, Angela de; GEURTS, Sabine A. (2021). Working from home: mismatch between access and need in relation to work–home interference and fatigue

WIND, Astrid de; BECKERS, D.G.; NIJP, H.H.; HOOFTMAN, W.; BOER, Angela de; GEURTS, Sabine A. (2021). Working from home: mismatch between access and need in relation to work–home interference and fatigue

WIND, Astrid de; BECKERS, D.G.; NIJP, H.H.; HOOFTMAN, W.; BOER, Angela de; GEURTS, Sabine A. Working from home: mismatch between access and need in relation to work–home interference and fatigue. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health [en línea]. 2021, 8. 619-627. [Consulta: 09.11.2021]. ISSN 0355-3140. DOI 10.5271/sjweh.3983.
Objetivos: Trabajar desde casa es una práctica prometedora que puede permitir a los empleados combinar de manera sostenible el trabajo y la vida privada. Sin embargo, no todos los empleadores facilitan el teletrabajo y no todos los empleados tienen necesidades similares con respecto a la práctica. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo examinar la asociación de un desajuste del teletrabajo con la interferencia entre el trabajo y el hogar y la fatiga. Conclusiones: Una política organizativa personalizada del teletrabajo, en la que se tenga en cuenta la necesidad de los empleados de trabajar desde casa, puede ser un enfoque fructífero para utilizarlo como una forma de que los empleados combinen de manera sostenible el trabajo y la vida privada en todo su potencial.
Objectius: Treballar des de casa és una pràctica prometedora que pot permetre als empleats combinar de manera sostenible el treball i la vida privada. No obstant això, no tots els ocupadors faciliten el teletreball i no tots els empleats tenen necessitats similars respecte a la pràctica. El present estudi té com a objectiu examinar l'associació d'un desajustament del teletreball amb la interferència entre el treball i la llar i la fatiga. Conclusions: Una política organitzativa personalitzada del teletreball, en la qual es tinga en compte la necessitat dels empleats de treballar des de casa, pot ser un enfocament fructífer per a utilitzar-lo com una forma que els empleats combinen de manera sostenible el treball i la vida privada en tot el seu potencial.
Objectives Working from home (WfH) is a promising practice that may enable employees to successfully and sustainably combine work and private life. Yet, not every employer facilitates WfH and not every employee has similar needs concerning the practice. The current study aims to examine the association of a WfH mismatch with work–home interference (WHI) and fatigue. Methods Data on WfH, WHI, and fatigue of a quasi-representative sample of 2374 Dutch employees in 2012/13 and a follow-up measurement one year later were used. Cross-sectional and longitudinal regression analyses were conducted to investigate the cross-sectional and temporal associations between WfH mismatch on the one hand and (changes in) time-based and strain-based WHI and fatigue on the other hand. Results In the cross-sectional analyses, WfH mismatch was significantly associated with higher time-based WHI (B=0.13), strain-based WHI (B=0.17) and more fatigue (B=0.32). WfH mismatch was not associated with changes in these outcomes after one year of follow-up. Conclusions A tailored WfH organizational policy, in which employees' need for working from home is taken into account, may be a fruitful approach to utilize WfH as a way for employees to successfully and sustainably combine work and private life to its full potential.
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