SASAKI, Natsu (2020); KURODA Reiko; TSUNO Kanami, KAWAKAMI, Norito. The deterioration of mental health among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 outbreak : A population-based cohort study of workers in Japan - INVASSAT
Ves enrere SASAKI, Natsu (2020); KURODA Reiko; TSUNO Kanami, KAWAKAMI, Norito. The deterioration of mental health among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 outbreak : A population-based cohort study of workers in Japan
SASAKI, Natsu (2020); KURODA Reiko; TSUNO Kanami, KAWAKAMI, Norito. The deterioration of mental health among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 outbreak : A population-based cohort study of workers in Japan
SASAKI, Natsu; KURODA, Reiko; TSUNO, Kanami, KAWAKAMI, Norito. The deterioration of mental health among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 outbreak : A population-based cohort study of workers in Japan. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health [en línea]. 2020. 7 p. [Consulta: 30.09.2020]. DOI:10.5271/sjweh.3922
Objetivos: Este estudio comparó el cambio longitudinal en la salud mental de los trabajadores sanitarios y no sanitarios durante dos meses del brote de COVID-19 en Japón. Conclusiones La angustia psicológica, junto con el miedo y la preocupación por el COVID-19, aumentó más entre los trabajadores de la salud en comparación con los trabajadores no sanitarios durante el brote de COVID-19. El estudio confirmó que los trabajadores de la salud son un objetivo importante para la salud mental durante el brote de COVID-19.
Objectius Este estudi va comparar el canvi longitudinal en la salut mental dels treballadors sanitaris i no sanitaris durant dos mesos del brot de COVID-19 al Japó. Conclusions L'angoixa psicològica, junt amb la por i la preocupació pel COVID-19, va augmentar més entre els treballadors de la salut en comparació amb els treballadors no sanitaris durant el brot de COVID-19. L'estudi va confirmar que els treballadors de la salut són un objectiu important per a la salut mental durant el brot de COVID-19
Objectives This study compared the longitudinal change in the mental health of healthcare and non-healthcare workers during two months of the COVID-19 outbreak in Japan. Methods Data were derived from a prospective online cohort study of 1448 full-time employees in Japan. Participants were surveyed at baseline from 19–22 March 2020 (T1) and at follow-up from 22–26 May 2020 (T2). A self-administered online questionnaire was used to assess participants' fear and worry of COVID-19, psychological distress, and physical symptoms at T1 and T2. A series of generalized linear models were created to assess changes in outcomes between healthcare and non-healthcare workers. Demographic variables (ie, sex, age, marital status, child[ren], education, and residential area) were included in the models as covariates. Results A total of 1032 participants completed the follow-up questionnaire at T2 (follow-up rate, 72.6%). After excluding unemployed respondents (N=17), the final sample comprised 1015 full-time employees (111 healthcare and 904 non-healthcare workers). After adjusting for the covariates, psychological distress (and subscales of fatigue, anxiety, and depression) as well as fear and worry of COVID-19 increased statistically significantly more among healthcare than non-healthcare workers from T1 to T2. Conclusions Psychological distress, together with fear and worry of COVID-19, increased more among healthcare compared to non-healthcare workers during the COVID-19 outbreak. The study confirmed that healthcare workers are an important target for mental healthcare during the COVID-19 outbreak.
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