
Memòria prevencionista

Memòria prevencionista: galeria fotogràfica

Boy at a warping machine

Hine, Lewis. Boy at a warping machine. Catawba Cotton Mill, Newton, North Carolina. December, 1908. Library of Congress. No hay restricción de derechos de autor conocida

Metal worker at Hussey Copper in Leetsdale

Erikabarker. Metal worker at Hussey Copper in Leetsdale, PA melts down copper. Leetsdale, Pennsylvania. August 8, 2015. CC BY-SA 4.0

Thoug jobs...

Reus, Fedinand. "Tough jobs ..." 8.8.2007. Lac Rose, Senegal vía Flickr. This image was originally posted to Flickr by Ferdinand Reus. It was reviewed on 22 September 2007 by the FlickreviewR robot and was confirmed to be licensed under the terms of the cc-by-sa-2.0

Women working in fish factory

[1910-1920]. [Fr.Howell]. Women working in fish factory (stockfish, cod) in Kirkjusandur, Reykjavik, Iceland. Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 3.0


Hands sorting through coffee

Australian Sheep Shearing -New Style-

[ca. 1900] [ca. 1900] King, Henry. "Australian Sheep Shearing -New Style-". Sydney, Australia. Powerhouse Museum Collection, vía Flickr (1)

Una grúa levantando sillares en un lugar de trabajo cerca de la playa de Dalit

[27.10.2014] CEphoto, Uwe Aranas. A crane lifting ashlars at a working site near Dalit Beach. Tanjung Badak, Sabah, Malaysia. Wikimedia Commons  CC-BY-SA-3.0

Sísifo en las alturas

[2012] Hoerferl. Si­sy­phus­ar­beit in luftiger Höhe. Catedral de San Esteban, Viena. Compartido con licencia Creative Commons BY-SA 2.0

[1890ca.-1917ca.].Kurkudian, Ohannes. "Het inkerven en aftappen van rubberbomen". Java. Museum Volkenkunde. <>. Compartido con licencia Creative Commons BY-SA 2.0

[1890ca.-1917ca.].Kurkudian, Ohannes. "Het inkerven en aftappen van rubberbomen". Java.  Museum Volkenkunde. Wikimedia Commons Compartido con licencia Creative Commons BY-SA 2.0 

[1941] Rusinov, Irving. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. An Old-Order Amishman working in his repair shop. Good machine shop

an old order amishman[1941] Rusinov, Irving. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. An Old-Order Amishman working in his repair shop. Good machine shop. The U.S. National Archives. Sin restricciones conocidas de derechos de autor.

(1) Documento sin restricciones conocidas de derechos de autor. (2) Documento en el dominio público. (3) Documento compartido bajo licencia Creative Commons. / (1) Document sense restriccions conegudes de drets d'autor. (2) Document en el domini públic. (3) Document compartit amb llicència Creative Commons.