OLSEN, Raymond; GRAFF, Pål; DAAE, Hanne Line; BRYNGELSSON, Ing-Liss; MOLANDER, Paal; ELLINGSEN, Dag G. (2021) Occupational Exposure during Asphalt Pavin. Comparison of Hot and Warm Mix Asphalt in Field Experiments - INVASSAT
Atrás OLSEN, Raymond; GRAFF, Pål; DAAE, Hanne Line; BRYNGELSSON, Ing-Liss; MOLANDER, Paal; ELLINGSEN, Dag G. (2021) Occupational Exposure during Asphalt Pavin. Comparison of Hot and Warm Mix Asphalt in Field Experiments
OLSEN, Raymond; GRAFF, Pål; DAAE, Hanne Line; BRYNGELSSON, Ing-Liss; MOLANDER, Paal; ELLINGSEN, Dag G. (2021) Occupational Exposure during Asphalt Pavin. Comparison of Hot and Warm Mix Asphalt in Field Experiments
OLSEN, Raymond; GRAFF, Pål; DAAE, Hanne Line; BRYNGELSSON, Ing-Liss; MOLANDER, Paal; ELLINGSEN, Dag G. Occupational Exposure during Asphalt Pavin. Comparison of Hot and Warm Mix Asphalt in Field Experiments. Annals of work exposures and health [en línea]. 2021, 20. 20. 12 p. [Consulta: 02.03.2021]. ISSN: 2444-5819. DOI: 10.1093/annweh/wxaa129.
Métodos: En 11 tramos de carretera diferentes, se pavimentó un carril con WMA (mezcla tibia de asfalto) y otro con HMA (mezcla caliente de asfalto) durante el mismo turno de trabajo en condiciones climáticas aproximadamente idénticas. Las condiciones climáticas y la temperatura de la superficie del asfalto se monitorearon durante la pavimentación. Se recolectaron 57 muestras de humos y vapores, carbono orgánico y elemental, aminas y fracciones de materia particulada (PM) respirable, torácica e inhalable mediante muestreo estacionario. Además, se recolectaron 30 muestras de humos y vapores mediante muestreo personal. Conclusiones: Las concentraciones medidas en el aire de PM (materia particulada inhalable), OC (carbón orgánico) y vapor de asfalto respirables fueron menores al pavimentar con WMA que con HMA. Debido a que se cree que la exposición a contaminantes en el aire generados durante la pavimentación de asfalto es responsable de los efectos adversos para la salud observados entre las pavimentadoras de asfalto, pavimentar con WMA en lugar de HMA puede tener beneficios para la salud.
Mètodes: En 11 trams de carretera diferents, es va pavimentar un carril amb WMA (mescla tèbia d'asfalt) i un altre amb HMA (mescla calenta d'asfalt) durant el mateix torn de treball en condicions climàtiques aproximadament idèntiques. Les condicions climàtiques i la temperatura de la superfície de l'asfalt es van monitorar durant la pavimentació. Es van recol·lectar 57 mostres de fums i vapors, carboni orgànic i elemental, amines i fraccions de matèria particulada (PM) respirable, toràcica i inhalable mitjançant mostreig estacionari. A més, es van recol·lectar 30 mostres de fums i vapors mitjançant mostreig personal. Conclusions: Les concentracions mesurades en l'aire de PM (matèria particulada inhalable), OC (carbó orgànic) i vapor d'asfalt respirables van ser menors en pavimentar amb WMA que amb HMA. Pel fet que es creu que l'exposició a contaminants en l'aire generats durant la pavimentació d'asfalt és responsable dels efectes adversos per a la salut observats entre les pavimentadores d'asfalt, pavimentar amb WMA en lloc de HMA pot tindre beneficis per a la salut.
Objectives: Several studies have demonstrated an increased risk of adverse health effects, including reduced lung function and lung cancer among asphalt pavers, which has been related to occupational exposure to contaminants during asphalt paving. Consequently, occupational exposure among asphalt pavers must be reduced. The aim of this study was to compare the impact of hot mix asphalt (HMA) and warm mix asphalt (WMA) paving on occupational exposure levels during road paving in field experiments. Asphalt temperatures when paving with WMA are usually lower than when paving with HMA due to differences in the asphalt's composition and method of application.Methods: On 11 different road sections, one lane was paved with WMA and one with HMA during the same work shift under approximately identical weather conditions. The weather conditions and asphalt surface temperature were monitored during paving. Fifty-seven samples of fumes and vapor, organic and elemental carbon, amines, and respirable, thoracic, and inhalable particulate matter (PM) fractions were collected by stationary sampling. In addition, 30 samples of fumes and vapor were collected by personal sampling. Results: Compared to paving with HMA, paving with WMA significantly (P < 0.05; paired Student's t-test) reduced the geometric mean (GM) air concentration of asphalt vapor (0.04 versus 0.08 p.p.m.), organic carbon (OC; 0.09 versus 0.18 mg m−3), and respirable PM (0.12 versus 0.22 mg m−3). Additionally, the air concentration of OC correlated strongly with the respirable fraction of PM (Pearson's correlation coefficient 0.83). Conclusions: Measured airborne concentrations of respirable PM, OC, and asphalt vapor were lower when paving with WMA than with HMA. Because exposure to airborne contaminants generated during asphalt paving is believed to be responsible for the adverse health effects observed among asphalt pavers, paving with WMA rather than HMA may have health benefits.