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Atrás MYZABELLA, Nuruly (2019); FRITSCHI, Lin; MERDITH, Nick; EL-ZAEMEY, Sonia; CHIH, HuiJun; REID, Alison. Occupational health and safety in the palm oil industry : a systematic review.

MYZABELLA, Nuruly (2019); FRITSCHI, Lin; MERDITH, Nick; EL-ZAEMEY, Sonia; CHIH, HuiJun; REID, Alison. Occupational health and safety in the palm oil industry : a systematic review.

MYZABELLA, Nuruly; FRITSCHI, Lin; MERDITH, Nick; EL-ZAEMEY, Sonia; CHIH, HuiJun; REID, Alison. Occupational health and safety in the palm oil industry : a systematic review. International Journal of Occupational Environmental and Medicine [online]. 2019. 10. 159-173. [Consulta: 07.10.2019]. ISSN: 2008-6814. doi: 10.15171/ijoem.2019.1576. <>
Resumen: La industria del aceite de palma es el mayor contribuyente a la producción mundial de aceites y grasas. Indonesia y Malasia son los mayores productores de aceite de palma. Más de un millón de trabajadores están empleados en esta industria, sin embargo, falta información sobre su salud y seguridad en el trabajo. En este trabajo se  identifican los riesgos laborales entre los trabajadores de las plantaciones de palma aceitera a partir de una búsqueda bibliográfica en junio de 2018 en PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus y Ovid. Las publicaciones relevantes se identificaron mediante una búsqueda sistemática de cuatro bases de datos y revistas relevantes. Se incluyeron publicaciones si examinaban los riesgos laborales en los trabajadores de las plantaciones de palma aceitera.
Resum: La indústria de l'oli de palma és el major contribuent a la producció mundial d'olis i greixos. Indonèsia i Malàisia són els majors productors d'oli de palma. Més d'un milió de treballadors estan ocupats en aquesta indústria, no obstant això, mancada informació sobre la seua salut i seguretat en el treball. En aquest treball s'identifiquen  els riscos laborals entre els treballadors de les plantacions de palma setrill a partir d'una cerca bibliogràfica al juny de 2018 en PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus i Ovid. Les publicacions rellevants es van identificar mitjançant una cerca sistemàtica de quatre bases de dades i revistes rellevants. Es van incloure publicacions si examinaven els riscos laborals en els treballadors de les plantacions de palma setrill.
Abstract: "Background: The palm oil industry is the largest contributor to global production of oils and fats. Indonesia and Malaysia are the largest producers of palm oil. More than a million workers are employed in this industry, yet there is a lack of information on their occupational health and safety. Objective: To identify and summarize occupational hazards among oil palm plantation workers. Methods: A search was carried out in June 2018 in PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and Ovid. Relevant publications were identified by a systematic search of four databases and relevant journals. Publications were included if they examined occupational hazards in oil palm plantation workers. Results: 941 publications were identified; of these, 25 studies were found eligible to be included in the final review. Of the 25 studies examined, 19 were conducted in Malaysia, 2 in Costa Rica, and one each in Ghana, Indonesia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, and Cameroon. Oil palm plantation workers were found to be at risk of musculoskeletal conditions, injuries, psychosocial disorders, and infectious diseases such as malaria and leptospirosis. In addition, they have potential exposure to paraquat and other pesticides. Conclusion: In light of the potential of palm oil for use as a biofuel, this is an industry with strong growth potential. The workers are exposed to various occupational hazards. Further research and interventions are necessary to improve the working conditions of this already vast and growing workforce. Keywords: Palm oil; Occupation; Risk; Occupational injuries; Leptospirosis; Malaria; Pesticides."
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