LUNDE, Lars-Kristian; KOCH, Markus; KNARDAHL, Stein et al (2014). Musculoskeletal health and work ability in physically demanding occupations: study protocol for a prospective field study on construction and health care workers - INVASSAT
Atrás LUNDE, Lars-Kristian; KOCH, Markus; KNARDAHL, Stein et al (2014). Musculoskeletal health and work ability in physically demanding occupations: study protocol for a prospective field study on construction and health care workers
LUNDE, Lars-Kristian; KOCH, Markus; KNARDAHL, Stein et al (2014). Musculoskeletal health and work ability in physically demanding occupations: study protocol for a prospective field study on construction and health care workers
LUNDE, Lars-Kristian; KOCH, Markus; KNARDAHL, Stein et al. Musculoskeletal health and work ability in physically demanding occupations: study protocol for a prospective field study on construction and health care workers. BMC Public Health. [online] 2014, 14. 1-11. [Consulta 24.11.2014] doi:10.1186/1471-2458-14-1075
Salud Musculoesquelética y capacidad de trabajo en ocupaciones físicamente exigentes: protocolo de estudio para un estudio de campo prospectivo de trabajadores de la construcción y el cuidado de la salud. Los trastornos musculoesqueléticos tienen un profundo impacto en la salud individual, las bajas por enfermedad y la jubilación anticipada, sobre todo en ocupaciones físicamente exigentes. Los datos demográficos están cambiando en los países desarrollados, hacia un aumento de la proporción de trabajadores mayores. Estos trabajadores mayores pueden tener dificultades particulares que hacer frente junto con las ocupaciones físicamente exigentes y el mantenimiento de una buena salud.
Salut Musculoesquelètica i capacitat de treball en ocupacions físicament exigents: protocol d'estudi per a un estudi de camp prospectiu de treballadors de la construcció i l'atenció de la salut. Els trastorns musculoesquelètics tenen un profund impacte en la salut individual, les baixes per malaltia i la jubilació anticipada, sobretot en ocupacions físicament exigents. Les dades demogràfiques estan canviant en els països desenrotllats, cap a un augment de la proporció de treballadors majors. Estos treballadors majors poden tindre dificultats particulars que fer front junt amb les ocupacions físicament exigents i el manteniment d'una bona salut.
Background. Musculoskeletal disorders have a profound impact on individual health, sickness absence and early retirement, particularly in physically demanding occupations. Demographics are changing in the developed countries, towards increasing proportions of senior workers. These senior workers may have particular difficulties coping with physically demanding occupations while maintaining good health.Previous studies investigating the relationship between physical work demands and musculoskeletal disorders are mainly based on self-reported exposures and lack a prospective design. The aim of this paper is to describe the background and methods and discuss challenges for a field study examining physical demands in construction and health care work and their prospective associations with musculoskeletal disorders, work ability and sickness absence. Methods and design. This protocol describes a prospective cohort study on 1200 construction and health care workers. Participants will answer a baseline questionnaire concerning musculoskeletal complaints, general health, psychosocial and organizational factors at work, work demands, work ability and physical activity during leisure. A shorter questionnaire will be answered every 6th months for a total of two years, together with continuous sickness absence monitoring during this period. Analysis will prospectively consider associations between self-reported physical demands and musculoskeletal disorders, work ability and sickness absence. To obtain objective data on physical exposures, technical measurements will be collected from two subgroups of N = 300 (Group A) and N = 160 (Group B) during work and leisure. Both group A and B will be given a physical health examination, be tested for physical capacity and physical activity will be measured for four days. Additionally, muscle activity, ground reaction force, body positions and physical activity will be examined during one workday for Group B. Analysis of associations between objectively measured exposure data and the outcomes described above will be done separately for these subpopulations. Discussion. The field study will at baseline produce objectively measured data on physical demands in the construction and health care occupations. In combination with clinical measurements and questionnaire data during follow-up, this will provide a solid foundation to prospectively investigate relationships between physical demands at work and development of musculoskeletal disorders, work ability and sickness absence.
Salud Musculoesquelética y capacidad de trabajo en ocupaciones físicamente exigentes: protocolo de estudio para un estudio de campo prospectivo de trabajadores de la construcción y el cuidado de la salud. Los trastornos musculoesqueléticos tienen un profundo impacto en la salud individual, las bajas por enfermedad y la jubilación anticipada, sobre todo en ocupaciones físicamente exigentes. Los datos demográficos están cambiando en los países desarrollados, hacia un aumento de la proporción de trabajadores mayores. Estos trabajadores mayores pueden tener dificultades particulares que hacer frente junto con las ocupaciones físicamente exigentes y el mantenimiento de una buena salud.
Salut Musculoesquelètica i capacitat de treball en ocupacions físicament exigents: protocol d'estudi per a un estudi de camp prospectiu de treballadors de la construcció i l'atenció de la salut. Els trastorns musculoesquelètics tenen un profund impacte en la salut individual, les baixes per malaltia i la jubilació anticipada, sobretot en ocupacions físicament exigents. Les dades demogràfiques estan canviant en els països desenrotllats, cap a un augment de la proporció de treballadors majors. Estos treballadors majors poden tindre dificultats particulars que fer front junt amb les ocupacions físicament exigents i el manteniment d'una bona salut.
Background. Musculoskeletal disorders have a profound impact on individual health, sickness absence and early retirement, particularly in physically demanding occupations. Demographics are changing in the developed countries, towards increasing proportions of senior workers. These senior workers may have particular difficulties coping with physically demanding occupations while maintaining good health.Previous studies investigating the relationship between physical work demands and musculoskeletal disorders are mainly based on self-reported exposures and lack a prospective design. The aim of this paper is to describe the background and methods and discuss challenges for a field study examining physical demands in construction and health care work and their prospective associations with musculoskeletal disorders, work ability and sickness absence. Methods and design. This protocol describes a prospective cohort study on 1200 construction and health care workers. Participants will answer a baseline questionnaire concerning musculoskeletal complaints, general health, psychosocial and organizational factors at work, work demands, work ability and physical activity during leisure. A shorter questionnaire will be answered every 6th months for a total of two years, together with continuous sickness absence monitoring during this period. Analysis will prospectively consider associations between self-reported physical demands and musculoskeletal disorders, work ability and sickness absence. To obtain objective data on physical exposures, technical measurements will be collected from two subgroups of N = 300 (Group A) and N = 160 (Group B) during work and leisure. Both group A and B will be given a physical health examination, be tested for physical capacity and physical activity will be measured for four days. Additionally, muscle activity, ground reaction force, body positions and physical activity will be examined during one workday for Group B. Analysis of associations between objectively measured exposure data and the outcomes described above will be done separately for these subpopulations. Discussion. The field study will at baseline produce objectively measured data on physical demands in the construction and health care occupations. In combination with clinical measurements and questionnaire data during follow-up, this will provide a solid foundation to prospectively investigate relationships between physical demands at work and development of musculoskeletal disorders, work ability and sickness absence.