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Atrás LEKKA, Chrysanthi; BENNETT, Victoria (2014). Literature review: Understanding how toimprove the management of exposure to wood dust amongst construction sub-contractors and manufacturing SMEs

LEKKA, Chrysanthi; BENNETT, Victoria (2014). Literature review: Understanding how toimprove the management of exposure to wood dust amongst construction sub-contractors and manufacturing SMEs

LEKKA, Chrysanthi; BENNETT, Victoria. Literature review: Understanding how toimprove the management of exposure to wood dust amongst construction sub-contractors and manufacturing SMEs. [online]. Liverpool: Health and Safety Executive, 2014, 20 p. [Consulta 01.12.2014].

Revisión de la literatura: La comprensión de cómo mejorar la gestión de la exposición al polvo de madera de construcción entre las pequeñas y medianas empresas. A partir de pruebas se hizo un estudio para desarrollar una mejor comprensión de como mejorar la gestión de la exposición al polvo de madera en las empresas de construcción y manufactura de las pequeñas y medias empresas (PYME). Había una escasez de investigación en cuanto a la exploración de los factores que influyen en términos generales la gestión de salud y seguridad en las PYME. Quince documentos fueran revisados y los resultados fueran analizados.

Revisió de la literatura: La comprensió de com millorar la gestió de l'exposició a la pols de fusta de construcció entre les xicotetes i mitjanes empreses. A partir de proves es va fer un estudi per a desenrotllar una millor comprensió de com millorar la gestió de l'exposició a la pols de fusta en les empreses de construcció i manufactura de les xicotetes i mitjanes empreses (PIME). Hi havia una escassetat d'investigació en quant a l'exploració dels factors que influïxen en termes generals la gestió de salut i seguretat en les PIME. Quinze documents van ser revisats i els resultats van ser analitzats.

Available evidence was reviewed to develop a better understanding of how to improve the management of wood dust exposure in small and medium-sized construction and manufacturing enterprises (SMEs). There was a paucity of research with most papers exploring the factors that broadly influence health and safety (H&S) management in SMEs. Fifteen papers were reviewed and the findings were mapped onto the Health and Safety Laboratory's (HSL) ‘Make it happen' model of behaviour change, which specifies the physical, social and individual factors that influence behaviour. Factors that influence SMEs' behaviours, included: i) limited resources (particularly for small construction and wood working companies), ii) a poor awareness of the importance of ill-health prevention, iii) risk control advice from third parties, iv) management/peer H&S attitudes, and v) negative attitudes towards risk controls. Higher levels of H&S awareness and better training provisions were some of the most noteworthy differences found in large compared to small construction companies. Lone working and managing a transient workforce were challenges identified for woodworking and large construction companies respectively. Suggested approaches for improving the management of wood dust exposure included providing incentives to highlight the benefits of good H&S practices, offering practical guidance on risk controls, and using communication strategies to raise awareness about health risks amongst SMEs, including Tier 1 (large) construction companies. For Tier 2 (small) construction companies and manufacturing SMEs, persuasive risk communication to raise awareness of the health risks associated with wood dust, promoting worker involvement in H&S, and helping SMEs to train their workers/supervisors about the health risks from wood dust and controls seem vital.