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Atrás VERA JIMÉNEZ, Jose Carlos (2020); FERNÁNDEZ, Francisco; AYUSO, Jesús; LORENTE ACOSTA, Jose Antonio. Evaluation of the police operational tactical procedures for reducing officer injuries resulting from physical interventions in problematic arrests. The case of the Municipal Police of Cádiz

VERA JIMÉNEZ, Jose Carlos (2020); FERNÁNDEZ, Francisco; AYUSO, Jesús; LORENTE ACOSTA, Jose Antonio. Evaluation of the police operational tactical procedures for reducing officer injuries resulting from physical interventions in problematic arrests. The case of the Municipal Police of Cádiz

VERA JIMÉNEZ, Jose Carlos; FERNÁNDEZ, Francisco; AYUSO, Jesús; LORENTE ACOSTA, Jose Antonio. Evaluation of the police operational tactical procedures for reducing officer injuries resulting from physical interventions in problematic arrests. The case of the Municipal Police of Cádiz. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health [online]. 2020. 33, 1. 35–43. [Consulta: 24.01.2020]. ISSN: 1896-494X. doi:10.13075/ijomeh.1896.01422. <>
Resumen: Evaluación de los procedimientos tácticos operativos de la policía para reducir las lesiones de los oficiales como resultado de intervenciones físicas en arrestos problemáticos. El caso de la Policía Municipal de Cádiz. El objetivo de este estudio era mejorar la vigilancia y reducir las lesiones de los oficiales resultantes de intervenciones en situaciones controvertidas o violentas, como arrestos problemáticos. La capacitación basada en procedimientos tácticos operativos redujo sustancialmente las bajas por enfermedad de los oficiales. Se observó una reducción general de las bajas por enfermedad en el período 2007-2013 que no puede atribuirse a una disminución de los actos delictivos y, por lo tanto, en las intervenciones físicas policiales.
Resum: Avaluació dels procediments tàctics operatius de la policia per a reduir les lesions dels oficials com a resultat d'intervencions físiques en arrestos problemàtics. El cas de la Policia Municipal de Cadis. L'objectiu d'aquest estudi era millorar la vigilància i reduir les lesions dels oficials resultants d'intervencions en situacions controvertides o violentes, com a arrestos problemàtics. La capacitació basada en procediments tàctics operatius va reduir substancialment les baixes per malaltia dels oficials. Es va observar una reducció general de les baixes per malaltia en el període 2007-2013 que no pot atribuir-se a una disminució dels actes delictius i, per tant, en les intervencions físiques policials.
Abstract: "Objectives: This paper describes some operational tactical procedures (OTP) and discusses the results of a 14-year-long study, spanning the period 2003–2016, conducted by the Municipal Police of Cádiz, Spain, which comprised 3 time periods: 2003–2006, when the officers were trained in traditional policing procedures; 2007–2013, when the officers were taught an innovative set of OTP in the form of a basic set of self-defense and arrest mechanisms, different from the traditional policing procedures that rely on martial arts and combat sports; and finally 2014–2016, when the OTP training was discontinued. The aim of this study was to improve policing and reduce officer injuries resulting from interventions in controversial or violent situations, such as problematic arrests. Material and Methods: The study involved 162 police officers and commanders of the Municipal Police of Cádiz, who were in street duty for their first time. There were 8 females and 154 males aged 24–55 years. Three OTP stages are shown as examples. Results: Based on the analysis of "training hours" and "physical interventions in problematic arrests," the results were: 1) the number of sick leaves in the police was identical according to the number of arrests, and 2) data on sick leaves show remarkable differences among the 3 periods under analysis. Conclusions: The OTP-based training substantially reduced officer sick leaves. The overall reduction in sick leaves in the period 2007–2013 was observed that cannot be ascribed to a decrease in criminal acts, and hence in police physical interventions."
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