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Atrás NIEDHAMMER, Isabelle (2020); BÈQUE, Maryline; CHASTANG, Jean-François; BERTRAIS, Sandrine. Psychosocial work exposures and suicide ideation : a study of multiple exposures using the French national working conditions survey

NIEDHAMMER, Isabelle (2020); BÈQUE, Maryline; CHASTANG, Jean-François; BERTRAIS, Sandrine. Psychosocial work exposures and suicide ideation : a study of multiple exposures using the French national working conditions survey

NIEDHAMMER, Isabelle; BÈQUE, Maryline; CHASTANG, Jean-François; BERTRAIS, Sandrine. Psychosocial work exposures and suicide ideation : a study of multiple exposures using the French national working conditions survey. BMC Public Health [online]. 2020. 20, 895. [Consulta: 15.06.2020]. ISSN: 1471-2458. doi:
Antecedentes: Nuestro estudio tuvo como objetivo explorar las asociaciones entre las exposiciones psicosociales al trabajo, así como otras exposiciones ocupacionales y la ideación suicida en la población trabajadora nacional francesa. Un objetivo adicional fue estudiar el papel acumulativo de las exposiciones ocupacionales en este resultado. Conclusiones: se encontró que los factores de trabajo psicosocial desempeñan un papel importante en la ideación suicida, y sus efectos fueron acumulativos en este resultado. Se necesita más investigación sobre exposiciones múltiples y acumulativas, ideación suicida y más prevención hacia el entorno de trabajo psicosocial.
Antecedents: El nostre estudi va tindre com a objectiu explorar les associacions entre les exposicions psicosocials al treball, així com altres exposicions ocupacionals i la ideació suïcida en la població treballadora nacional francesa. Un objectiu addicional va ser estudiar el paper acumulatiu de les exposicions ocupacionals en aquest resultat. Conclusions: es va trobar que els factors de treball psicosocial exerceixen un paper important en la ideació suïcida, i els seus efectes van ser acumulatius en aquest resultat. Es necessita més investigació sobre exposicions múltiples i acumulatives, ideació suïcida i més prevenció cap a l'entorn de treball psicosocial
Background: Our study aimed to explore the associations between psychosocial work exposures, as well as other occupational exposures, and suicide ideation in the French national working population. An additional objective was to study the cumulative role of occupational exposures in this outcome. Methods: The study was based on a nationally representative sample of the French working population of 20,430 employees, 8579 men and 11,851 women (2016 French national Working Conditions survey). Occupational exposures included 21 psychosocial work factors, 4 factors related to working time/hours and 4 factors related to the physical work environment. Suicide ideation within the last 12 months was the outcome. The associations between exposures and outcome were studied using weighted logistic regression models adjusted for covariates. Results: The 12-month prevalence of suicide ideation was 5.2% among men and 5.7% among women. Among the occupational exposures, psychosocial work factors were found to be associated with suicide ideation: quantitative and cognitive demands, low influence and possibilities for development, low meaning at work, low sense of community, role conflict, job insecurity, temporary employment, changes at work, and internal violence. Some rare differences in these associations were observed between genders. Linear associations were observed between the number of psychosocial work exposures and suicide ideation. Conclusions: Psychosocial work factors were found to play a major role in suicide ideation, and their effects were cumulative on this outcome. More research on multiple and cumulative exposures and suicide ideation and more prevention towards the psychosocial work environment are needed.