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Atrás GÓMEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, Rosa (2020); DÍAZ-PULIDO, Belén; GUTIÉRREZ-ORTEGA, Carlos; SÁNCHEZ-SÁNCHEZ, Beatriz; TORRES-LACOMBA, María. Cultural Adaptation and Psychometric Validation of the Standardised Nordic Questionnaire Spanish Version in Musicians

GÓMEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, Rosa (2020); DÍAZ-PULIDO, Belén; GUTIÉRREZ-ORTEGA, Carlos; SÁNCHEZ-SÁNCHEZ, Beatriz; TORRES-LACOMBA, María. Cultural Adaptation and Psychometric Validation of the Standardised Nordic Questionnaire Spanish Version in Musicians

GÓMEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, Rosa; DÍAZ-PULIDO, Belén; GUTIÉRREZ-ORTEGA, Carlos; SÁNCHEZ-SÁNCHEZ, Beatriz; TORRES-LACOMBA, María. Cultural Adaptation and Psychometric Validation of the Standardised Nordic Questionnaire Spanish Version in Musicians. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health [online]. 2020. 17, 2. 653. ISSN: 1660-4601. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17020653. <>
Resumen: El Cuestionario Nórdico Estandarizado (SNQ) es un instrumento para analizar los síntomas musculoesqueléticos en un contexto de salud ergonómica u ocupacional. Nuestro objetivo fue adaptar y evaluar las propiedades psicométricas del SNQ entre los músicos españoles. Los resultados muestran que el SNQ español es una herramienta de detección confiable, válida y factible para evaluar los problemas musculoesqueléticos entre los músicos.
Resum: El Qüestionari Nòrdic Estandarditzat (SNQ) és un instrument per a analitzar els símptomes musculoesquelètics en un context de salut ergonòmica o ocupacional. El nostre objectiu va ser adaptar i avaluar les propietats psicomètriques del SNQ entre els músics espanyols. Els resultats mostren que el SNQ espanyol és una eina de detecció de confiança, vàlida i factible per a avaluar els problemes musculoesquelètics entre els músics.
Abstract: "Background: The Standardised Nordic Questionnaire (SNQ) is an instrument to analyse the musculoskeletal symptoms in an ergonomic or occupational health context. We aimed to cross-culturally adapt and evaluate the psychometric properties of the SNQ among Spanish musicians. Methods: Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric validation (reliability, validity, and feasibility) was performed. Reliability was analysed by test-retest reliability (Cohen's Kappa) and internal consistency (Kuder–Richardson). Content and face validity were measured by the Expert Committee and the opinion of participants. Construct validity (Mann–Whitney U test) was measured by comparing with questionnaires used to assess pain and disability in neck, shoulders, upper back, and low back regions. Feasibility was calculated with the average response time. Results: A total of 312 Spanish musicians were included. The Spanish version of SNQ achieved good semantic, conceptual, idiomatic, and content equivalence. For most of the variables, test-retest reliability was good to very good (k = 0.60–0.81). The internal consistency showed good to acceptable (Kuder–Richardson 20 (KR20) = 0.737–0.873). Participants with versus without musculoskeletal problems in a related region showed significantly higher disability/pain, indicating a good construct validity. About the feasibility, the average response time of the questionnaire was 6 min (±2). Conclusions: The results show that the Spanish SNQ is reliable, valid, and feasible screening tool to assess musculoskeletal problems among musicians. Keywords: Standardised Nordic Questionnaire; reliability; validity; validation; musculoskeletal symptoms; Spanish; musicians"
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