CHEN, Chi-Hsien (2020); TSAI, Perng-J.; WANG ,Ya-Fen; PAN, Chih-Hong; HUNG, Po-Chen; HO, Jiune-Jye; PERNG, Diahn-Warng. Respiratory health effects of the fiberglass-reinforced plastic lamination process in the yacht-building industry - INVASSAT
Ves enrere CHEN, Chi-Hsien (2020); TSAI, Perng-J.; WANG ,Ya-Fen; PAN, Chih-Hong; HUNG, Po-Chen; HO, Jiune-Jye; PERNG, Diahn-Warng. Respiratory health effects of the fiberglass-reinforced plastic lamination process in the yacht-building industry
CHEN, Chi-Hsien (2020); TSAI, Perng-J.; WANG ,Ya-Fen; PAN, Chih-Hong; HUNG, Po-Chen; HO, Jiune-Jye; PERNG, Diahn-Warng. Respiratory health effects of the fiberglass-reinforced plastic lamination process in the yacht-building industry
CHEN, Chi-Hsien; TSAI, Perng-J.; WANG ,Ya-Fen; PAN, Chih-Hong; HUNG, Po-Chen; HO, Jiune-Jye; PERNG, Diahn-Warng. Respiratory health effects of the fiberglass-reinforced plastic lamination process in the yacht-building industry. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health [en línea]. 2020. 9 p. [Consulta: 30.09.2020]. DOI:10.5271/sjweh.3924
Objetivos La fabricación de plásticos reforzados con fibra de vidrio (FRP) se ha relacionado con casos de obstrucción grave de las vías respiratorias y riesgo elevado de mortalidad respiratoria. Pero el riesgo específico del contenido del trabajo no está claro. Este estudio evaluó los efectos en la salud respiratoria del proceso de laminación de FRP. Conclusión Los laminadores deben someterse a controles periódicos de los síntomas respiratorios y la función pulmonar. Se necesitan más estudios toxicológicos para identificar el agente causal específico en el proceso de laminación de FRP.
Objectius La fabricació de plàstics reforçats amb fibra de vidre (FRP) s'ha relacionat amb casos d'obstrucció greu de les vies respiratòries i risc elevat de mortalitat respiratòria. Però el risc específic del contingut del treball no és clar. Aquest estudi va avaluar els efectes en la salut respiratòria del procés de laminació de FRP. Conclusió Els laminadors han de sotmetre's a controls periòdics dels símptomes respiratoris i la funció pulmonar. Es necessiten més estudis toxicològics per a identificar l'agent causal específic en el procés de laminació de FRP.
Objectives Fiberglass-reinforced plastics (FRP) manufacturing has been related to cases of severe airway obstruction and elevated risk of respiratory mortality. But the specific job content risk is not clear. This study evaluated the respiratory health effects of the FRP lamination process. Methods A questionnaire was used to evaluate respiratory symptoms of workers in two yacht-building plants. Pre-shift (07:30–08:30 hours) and post-shift (17:00–18:00 hours) lung function was measured, while post-shift induced sputum was collected on the first day of the week. The participants were grouped into FRP laminators and non-laminators. Linear and logistic regression was used to investigate the effects of the lamination process on lung function. Results Laminators had a higher prevalence of chronic cough, lower pre-shift forced expiratory volume in first second (FEV1) and FEV1/force vital capacity (FVC) (-3.3% and -1.5%), lower post-shift FVC and FEV1 (-3.6% and -4.9%), and larger post-shift reduction of FVC (-2.1%) compared to non-laminators. The laminators also had higher risk of early obstructive and overall (obstructive plus restrictive) lung function impairment, and post-shift reduction of FVC >10% [odds ratio (OR) 5.98, 4.98, and 3.87, respectively). They also had higher percentages of neutrophils and lymphocytes in the induced sputum. Conclusion Laminators should undergo regular check-ups of respiratory symptoms and lung function. Further toxicologic studies are warranted to identify the specific causal agent in the FRP lamination process.
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