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Ves enrere ALONSO, Francisco (2020); ESTEBAN, Cristina; GONZÁLEZ-MARÍN, Adela; ALFARO, Elisa; USECHE, Sergio A. Job stress and emotional exhaustion at work in Spanish workers : does unhealthy work affect the decision to drive?

ALONSO, Francisco (2020); ESTEBAN, Cristina; GONZÁLEZ-MARÍN, Adela; ALFARO, Elisa; USECHE, Sergio A. Job stress and emotional exhaustion at work in Spanish workers : does unhealthy work affect the decision to drive?

ALONSO, Francisco; ESTEBAN, Cristina; GONZÁLEZ-MARÍN, Adela; ALFARO, Elisa; USECHE, Sergio A. Job stress and emotional exhaustion at work in Spanish workers : does unhealthy work affect the decision to drive? PLoS One [online]. 2020. 15, 1. e0227328. [Consulta: 19.02.2020]. ISSN: 1932-6203. <>
Resumen: El propósito de este estudio fue evaluar las relaciones entre los siguientes elementos: indicadores de trabajo poco saludables (estrés laboral y agotamiento emocional en el trabajo), la decisión de conducir (o no) y los accidentes de tránsito sufridos por los trabajadores españoles. Para este estudio transversal, se utilizó una muestra de 1.200 conductores españoles (44% mujeres y 56% hombres), con una edad promedio de 42,8 años. Este estudio mostró una alta prevalencia de estrés laboral y síntomas de agotamiento emocional experimentados en el trabajo por los trabajadores españoles. Además, se encontraron relaciones significativas entre el rendimiento en la conducción, el estrés laboral y los indicadores de agotamiento, lo que sugiere que el estrés laboral y los niveles de agotamiento emocional pueden, de hecho, afectar al rendimiento de la conducción, pero no influyen en la decisión de conducir o no. En otras palabras, incluso cuando se ven significativamente afectados por el estrés laboral o el agotamiento emocional en el trabajo, la mayoría de los conductores españoles siguen conduciendo
Resum: El propòsit d'aquest estudi va ser avaluar les relacions entre els següents elements: indicadors de treball poc saludables (estrés laboral i esgotament emocional en el treball), la decisió de conduir (o no) i els accidents de trànsit patits pels treballadors espanyols. Per a aquest estudi transversal, es va utilitzar una mostra de 1.200 conductors espanyols (44% dones i 56% homes), amb una edat mitjana de 42,8 anys. Aquest estudi va mostrar una alta prevalença d'estrés laboral i símptomes d'esgotament emocional experimentats en el treball pels treballadors espanyols. A més, es van trobar relacions significatives entre el rendiment en la conducció, l'estrés laboral i els indicadors d'esgotament, la qual cosa suggereix que l'estrés laboral i els nivells d'esgotament emocional poden, de fet, afectar el rendiment de la conducció, però no influeixen en la decisió de conduir o no. En altres paraules, fins i tot quan es veuen significativament afectats per l'estrés laboral o l'esgotament emocional en el treball, la majoria dels conductors espanyols continuen conduint.
Abstract: "Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess the relationships among the following elements: unhealthy work indicators (job stress and emotional exhaustion at work), the decision to drive (or not), and driving crashes suffered by Spanish workers. Methods: For this cross-sectional study, a full sample of 1,200 Spanish drivers (44% women and 56% men) was used, their mean age being 42.8 years. They answered a questionnaire divided into three sections: demographic and driving-related data; burnout, job stress, and life stress; and self-reported road behaviors and driving safety indicators. Results: Overall, 41.6% of drivers reported emotional exhaustion at work. Furthermore, 80.2% of the participants showing substantial signs of job stress or exhaustion had experienced one or more important stressful life events during the previous year. Job stress was associated with the number of driving crashes suffered along the last 3 years. Also, and especially in situations where drivers admit not feeling well enough to drive, job stress and emotional exhaustion seem to be independent from the decision to drive, and from perceiving these variables as potential impairers of driving performance. Conclusions: First of all, this study showed a high prevalence of job stress and emotional exhaustion symptoms experienced at work by Spanish workers. Moreover, significant relationships were found among self-rated driving performance, workplace stress and burnout indicators, which suggests that job stress and emotional exhaustion levels may, indeed, impair driving performance, but they do not influence the decision to drive or not. In other words, even when they are significantly affected by job stress or emotional exhaustion at work, most Spanish drivers still drive"
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