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Ves enrere RODRÍGUEZ-BLANES, Gloria M. (2019); LOBATO-CAÑÓN José Rafael.; SÁNCHEZ-PAYÁ, José; AUSÓ-PÉREZ, José Ramón; CARDONA-LLORENS Antonio Francisco. The influence of information on the prevention of occupational risks and ergonomic requirements in the development of non-traumatic osteomuscular diseases of the shoulder : a pilot study.

RODRÍGUEZ-BLANES, Gloria M. (2019); LOBATO-CAÑÓN José Rafael.; SÁNCHEZ-PAYÁ, José; AUSÓ-PÉREZ, José Ramón; CARDONA-LLORENS Antonio Francisco. The influence of information on the prevention of occupational risks and ergonomic requirements in the development of non-traumatic osteomuscular diseases of the shoulder : a pilot study.

RODRÍGUEZ-BLANES, Gloria M.; LOBATO-CAÑÓN José Rafael.; SÁNCHEZ-PAYÁ, José; AUSÓ-PÉREZ, José Ramón; CARDONA-LLORENS Antonio Francisco. The influence of information on the prevention of occupational risks and ergonomic requirements in the development of non-traumatic osteomuscular diseases of the shoulder : a pilot study. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health [online]. 2019. 32, 6. 16 p. [Consulta: 12.11.2019]. ISSN: 1896-494X. doi:10.13075/ijomeh.1896.01429. <>
Resumen: El dolor de hombro asociado con los trastornos musculoesqueléticos de las extremidades superiores es un problema de salud importante en la práctica clínica debido a su alta prevalencia, consultas frecuentes en atención primaria de salud y salud ocupacional. Las estrategias preventivas, incluida la información difundida entre los trabajadores, pueden ser útiles. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las asociaciones entre las enfermedades osteomusculares no traumáticas del hombro y el conocimiento de los trabajadores sobre los riesgos en el lugar de trabajo y las medidas preventivas desarrolladas allí, así como la asociación con los requisitos ergonómicos.
Resum: El dolor de muscle associat amb els trastorns musculoesquelètics de les extremitats superiors és un problema de salut important en la pràctica clínica a causa de la seua alta prevalença, consultes freqüents en atenció primària de salut i salut ocupacional. Les estratègies preventives, inclosa la informació difosa entre els treballadors, poden ser útils. L'objectiu d'aquest estudi és analitzar les associacions entre les malalties osteomusculars no traumàtiques del muscle i el coneixement dels treballadors sobre els riscos en el lloc de treball i les mesures preventives desenvolupades allí, així com l'associació amb els requisits ergonòmics.
Abstract: "Objectives: Shoulder pain associated with upper limb musculoskeletal disorders is an important health problem in clinical practice due to its high prevalence, frequent consultations in primary healthcare and occupational health. Preventive strategies, including information disseminated among workers, can be useful. The aim of this study is to analyze the associations between non-traumatic osteomuscular diseases of the shoulder and the workers' knowledge of the risks at the workplace and preventive measures developed there, as well as the association with ergonomic requirements. Material and Methods: An observational case-control study was carried out on an occupationally active population assisted during 1 year in 1 healthcare center, involving 690 participants. Data were collected through a questionnaire including sociodemographic variables, the workplace, the knowledge of prevention and ergonomic requirements. The independent effect of the variables associated with non-traumatic shoulder pathology was explored through logistic regression. Results: In total, 66.7% of the participants stated that they had been informed of the occupational hazards related to their jobs. The following variables were associated with a lower probability of shoulder injuries: male gender, working hours > 9 h/day or > 40 h/week, as well as having information on the risks associated with the workplace, using personal protective equipment, the existence of an occupational risks prevention service and/or risk assessment, the knowledge of the prevention plan, periodic medical examinations, and using one arm or physical force at work. A multivariate analysis revealed that the risk increased with age and lower educational levels, forced postures, repeated gestures, monotony and temporary absences from work. Furthermore, being informed of workplace risks, and using a single arm as well as physical force were shown as independent protective factors. Conclusions: Information on both the ergonomic requirements and how to prevent occupational risks is a useful tool for the prevention of non-traumatic shoulder diseases. Preventive policies including health education interventions in the workplace could benefit other developed preventive activities."
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