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Ves enrere GUSEVA CANU, Irina; MARCA, SC; DELL´ORO, F.; BERGAMASCHI E.; BESSE, C.; BIANCHI, R.; BISLIMOVSKA, J., (2021) et al. Harmonized definition of occupational burnout: A systematic review, semantic analysis, and Delphi consensus in 29 countries [RE13762]

GUSEVA CANU, Irina; MARCA, SC; DELL´ORO, F.; BERGAMASCHI E.; BESSE, C.; BIANCHI, R.; BISLIMOVSKA, J., (2021) et al. Harmonized definition of occupational burnout: A systematic review, semantic analysis, and Delphi consensus in 29 countries [RE13762]

GUSEVA CANU, Irina; MARCA, SC; DELL´ORO, F.; BERGAMASCHI E.; BESSE, C.; BIANCHI, R.; BISLIMOVSKA, J., et al. Harmonized definition of occupational burnout: A systematic review, semantic analysis, and Delphi consensus in 29 countries. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health [en línea]. 2021. 47, 2. 14 p. [Consulta: 16.03.2021]. ISSN: 1795-990X. DOI: 10.5271/sjweh.3935
Objetivo: Actualmente se carece de una definición consensuada del agotamiento ocupacional. El objetivo es armonizar la definición de agotamiento ocupacional como un resultado de salud en la investigación médica y llegar a un consenso sobre esta definición dentro de la Red de Coordinación y Armonización de Cohortes Ocupacionales Europeas (OMEGA-NET). Conclusión: Este estudio dio como resultado una definición armonizada de ocupacional agotamiento aprobado por expertos de 29 países dentro de OMEGA-NET. Las investigaciones futuras deben abordar la reproducibilidad del consenso del método Delphi en un panel más grande de expertos, que represente a más países, y examinar la viabilidad de la definición.
Objectiu: Actualment es manca d'una definició consensuada de l'esgotament ocupacional. L'objectiu és harmonitzar la definició d'esgotament ocupacional com un resultat de salut en la investigació mèdica i arribar a un consens sobre aquesta definició dins de la Xarxa de Coordinació i Harmonització de Cohorts Ocupacionals Europees (OMEGA-NET). Conclusió: Aquest estudi va donar com a resultat una definició harmonitzada d'ocupacional esgotament aprovat per experts de 29 països dins d'OMEGA-NET. Les investigacions futures han d'abordar la reproducitibilitat del consens del mètode Delphi en un panell més gran d'experts, que represente a més països, i examinar la viabilitat de la definició.
Objective: A consensual definition of occupational burnout is currently lacking. We aimed to harmonize the definition of occupational burnout as a health outcome in medical research and reach a consensus on this definition within the Network on the Coordination and Harmonisation of European Occupational Cohorts (OMEGA-NET). Methods: First, we performed a systematic review in MEDLINE, PsycINFO and Embase (January 1990 to August 2018) and a semantic analysis of the available definitions. We used the definitions of burnout and burnout-related concepts from the Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms (SNOMED-CT) to formulate a consistent harmonized definition of the concept. Second, we sought to obtain the Delphi consensus on the proposed definition. Results: We identified 88 unique definitions of burnout and assigned each of them to 1 of the 11 original definitions. The semantic analysis yielded a first proposal, further reformulated according to SNOMED-CT and the panelists' comments as follows: "In a worker, occupational burnout or occupational physical AND emotional exhaustion state is an exhaustion due to prolonged exposure to work-related problems". A panel of 50 experts (researchers and healthcare professionals with an interest for occupational burnout) reached consensus on this proposal at the second round of the Delphi, with 82% of experts agreeing on it. Conclusion: This study resulted in a harmonized definition of occupational burnout approved by experts from 29 countries within OMEGA-NET. Future research should address the reproducibility of the Delphi consensus in a Sarge panel of experts, representing more countries, and examine the practicability of the definition.