BODIN, T. (2020); ÇAĞLAYAN, C.; GARDE, A.H.; GNESI, M.; JONSSON, J. et al. Precarious employment in occupational health : an OMEGA-NET working group position paper - INVASSAT
Ves enrere BODIN, T. (2020); ÇAĞLAYAN, C.; GARDE, A.H.; GNESI, M.; JONSSON, J. et al. Precarious employment in occupational health : an OMEGA-NET working group position paper
BODIN, T. (2020); ÇAĞLAYAN, C.; GARDE, A.H.; GNESI, M.; JONSSON, J. et al. Precarious employment in occupational health : an OMEGA-NET working group position paper
BODIN, T.; ÇAĞLAYAN, C.; GARDE, A.H.; GNESI, M.; JONSSON, J. et al. Precarious employment in occupational health : an OMEGA-NET working group position paper. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health [online]. 2020. 46, 3. 321-329. [Consulta: 19.05.2020]. ISSN: 1795-990X. doi:10.5271/sjweh.3860
Resumen: Objetivos: Los objetivos de este documento de posición son (i) resumir la investigación sobre el empleo precario (EP) en el contexto de la salud ocupacional; (ii) desarrollar un marco teórico que distinga la EP de los conceptos relacionados y delinee factores contextuales importantes; e (iii) identificar desafíos metodológicos clave y direcciones para futuras investigaciones sobre EP y salud. Conclusiones: Una definición multidimensional generalmente aceptada de EP debería ser la máxima prioridad. Los estudios futuros se beneficiarían de una mejor evaluación de la exposición, resolución temporal y contabilidad de los factores de confusión, así como también de probar posibles mecanismos, por ejemplo, adoptando enfoques analíticos intersectoriales y de múltiples niveles para comprender la complejidad de la EP y su relación con la salud.
Resum: Objectius: Els objectius d'aquest document de posició són (i) resumir la investigació sobre l'ocupació precària (OP) en el context de la salut ocupacional; (ii) desenvolupar un marc teòric que distingisca l'OP dels conceptes relacionats i delinee factors contextuals importants; e (iii) identificar desafiaments metodològics clau i direccions per a futures investigacions sobre OP i salut. Conclusions: Una definició multidimensional generalment acceptada d'OP hauria de ser la màxima prioritat. Els estudis futurs es beneficiarien d'una millor avaluació de l'exposició, resolució temporal i comptabilitat dels factors de confusió, i també de provar possibles mecanismes, per exemple, adoptant enfocaments analítics intersectorials i de múltiples nivells per a comprendre la complexitat de l'OP i la seua relació amb la salut.
Abstract: Objectives The aims of this position paper are to (i) summarize research on precarious employment (PE) in the context of occupational health; (ii) develop a theoretical framework that distinguishes PE from related concepts and delineates important contextual factors; and (iii) identify key methodological challenges and directions for future research on PE and health. Methods This position paper is the result of a working group consisting of researchers from the EU, Turkey and the USA, who have discussed the issue over the course of six months (October 2018–April 2019), meeting both online and face-to-face on several occasions. Results The lack of a common theoretical framework of PE hinders it from becoming an established part of occupational and public health research. There are also issues regarding operationalization in surveys and registers. Further, previous research on PE and health suffers from methodological limitations including inadequate study designs and biased assessments of exposure and outcomes. PE is highly dependent on contextual factors and cross-country comparison has proven very difficult. We also point to the uneven social distribution of PE, ie, higher prevalence among women, immigrants, young and low educated. We propose a theoretical framework for understanding precarious employment as a multidimensional construct. Conclusions A generally accepted multidimensional definition of PE should be the highest priority. Future studies would benefit from improved exposure assessment, temporal resolution, and accounting for confounders, as well as testing possible mechanisms, eg, by adopting multi-level and intersectional analytical approaches in order to understand the complexity of PE and its relation to health.
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