Galeria fotogràfica - INVASSAT
Man Working on Car in Hell's Kitchen
Lyon, Danny. Man Working on Car in Hell's Kitchen. New York. 06/1974. The U.S. National Archives. Via Flickr. No known copyright restrictions.
John Kelseh, blacksmith, at his forge in the blacksmith shop at the roundhouse
Delano, Jack. John Kelseh, blacksmith, at his forge in the blacksmith shop at the roundhouse, Rock Island R.R., Blue Island, Ill. 1943 April. Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, D.C. 20540 USA. Via Flickr. No known copyright restrictions.
Sausage room
A. H. Poole. Sausage Room at Denny's Factory. Waterford. September 1937. National Library of Ireland. Via Flickr. No known copyright restrictions.
Christmas Mail
Christmas Mail. Between 1910 and 1915. Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Washington. Via Flickr. No known copyright restrictions.
Trabajadores clasificando huevos
Workers sizing eggs. Tallahassee, Florida. 1954. Florida Memory. State Library & Archives of Florida. Via Flickr. No known copyright restrictions.
Vendedoras de pescado y verduras
French, Robert . Fish and Vegetable Sellers. Between 1880-1900. National Library of Ireland. Via Flickr. No known copyright restrictions.
Climax Molybdenum at Associated Oil Co.
Robert Yarnall Richie. Climax Molybdenum at Associated Oil Co. Ventura, California. March 1940. SMU Central University Libraries via Flickr. No known copyright restrictions.
Fueling a plane
Hollem, Howard R. Fueling a plane at the Naval Air Base. Corpus Christi, Texas. 1942 August. The Library of Congress via Flickr. No known copyright restrictions.
Tailors at work
A. H. Poole. Tailors at work in Hearne's at 63-64. The Quay, Waterford. National library of Ireland. Vía Flickr. No known copyright restrictions.
Remolque barco
Towing a ship. The Netherlands. 27 May 1931. National Archief. via Flickr. No known copyright restrictions.
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