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Atrás LIU, Kai (2020); MU, Min; FANG, Kehong; QIAN, Yuanyuan; XUE, Song; HU, Weijiang; YE, Meng. Occupational exposure to silica and risk of heart disease : a systematic review with meta-analysis

LIU, Kai (2020); MU, Min; FANG, Kehong; QIAN, Yuanyuan; XUE, Song; HU, Weijiang; YE, Meng. Occupational exposure to silica and risk of heart disease : a systematic review with meta-analysis

LIU, Kai; MU, Min; FANG, Kehong; QIAN, Yuanyuan; XUE, Song; HU, Weijiang; YE, Meng. Occupational exposure to silica and risk of heart disease : a systematic review with meta-analysis. BMJ Open [online]. 2020. 10:e029653. [Consulta: 17.01.2020]. ISSN: 2044-6055. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-029653. <>
Resumen: Objetivo: Buscar evidencia de la relación entre la exposición ocupacional a la sílice y la enfermedad cardíaca. Se buscaron artículos publicados en PubMed, ScienceDirect, Springer y EMBASE entre el 1 de enero de 1995 y el 20 de junio de 2019. Se consideraron los artículos que investigaron los efectos de la exposición ocupacional a la sílice en el riesgo de enfermedad cardíaca. Conclusiones: Los trabajadores expuestos a la sílice tienen un mayor riesgo de enfermedad cardíaca en general, especialmente enfermedad cardíaca pulmonar. Se necesita más investigación para aclarar mejor la relación entre la exposición ocupacional a la sílice y la cardiopatía isquémica.
Resum: Objectiu: Buscar evidència de la relació entre l'exposició ocupacional a la sílice i la malaltia cardíaca. Es van buscar articles publicats en PubMed, ScienceDirect, Springer i EMBASE entre l'1 de gener de 1995 i el 20 de juny de 2019. Es van considerar els articles que van investigar els efectes de l'exposició ocupacional a la sílice en el risc de malaltia cardíaca. Conclusions: Els treballadors exposats a la sílice tenen un major risc de malaltia cardíaca en general, especialment malaltia cardíaca pulmonar. Es necessita més investigació per a aclarir millor la relació entre l'exposició ocupacional a la sílice i la cardiopatia isquèmica.
Abstract: "Objective To search for evidence of the relationship between occupational silica exposure and heart disease. Design A systematic review and meta-analysis. Background Growing evidence suggests a relationship between occupational silica exposure and heart disease; however, the link between them is less clear. Data sources PubMed, ScienceDirect, Springer and EMBASE were searched for articles published between 1 January 1995 and 20 June 2019. Articles that investigated the effects of occupational silica exposure on the risk of heart disease were considered. Study selection We included cohort studies, including prospective, retrospective and retroprospective studies. Data extraction and synthesis We extracted data using a piloted data collection form and conducted random-effects meta-analysis and exposure-response analysis. The meta-relative risk (meta-RR), a measure of the average ratio of heart disease rates in those with and without silica exposure, was used as an inverse variance-weighted average of relative risks from the individual studies. The Newcastle-Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale for cohort studies was used for study quality assessment. Outcome measure We calculated the risk of heart diseases such as pulmonary heart disease, ischaemic heart disease and others. Results Twenty cohort studies were included. The results suggest a significant increase in the risk of overall heart disease (meta-RR=1.08, 95% CI 1.03 to 1.13). Stronger evidence of association with pulmonary heart disease was found in the risk estimate of both categories of heart disease (meta-RR=1.24, 95% CI 1.08 to 1.43) and in the exposure-response analysis (meta-RR=1.39, 95% CI 1.19 to 1.62). Our subgroup analyses also revealed that the statistical heterogeneity among studies could be attributed mainly to the diversity in reference group, occupation and study quality score. Conclusions Silica-exposed workers are at an increased risk for overall heart disease, especially pulmonary heart disease. Further research is needed to better clarify the relationship between occupational silica exposure and ischaemic heart disease."
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