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Atrás HULSHOF, Carel T.J.; PEGA, Frank; NEUPANE, Subas; COLOSIO, Claudio; DAAMS, Joost G.; PRAKASH, K.C.; KUIJER, Paul P.F.M., et al. (2019) The effect of occupational exposure to ergonomic risk factors on osteoarthritis of hip or knee and selected other musculoskeletal diseases: a systematic review and meta-analysis from the WHO/ILO Joint Estimates of the Work-related Burden of Disease and Injury

HULSHOF, Carel T.J.; PEGA, Frank; NEUPANE, Subas; COLOSIO, Claudio; DAAMS, Joost G.; PRAKASH, K.C.; KUIJER, Paul P.F.M., et al. (2019) The effect of occupational exposure to ergonomic risk factors on osteoarthritis of hip or knee and selected other musculoskeletal diseases: a systematic review and meta-analysis from the WHO/ILO Joint Estimates of the Work-related Burden of Disease and Injury

HULSHOF, Carel T.J.; PEGA, Frank; NEUPANE, Subas; COLOSIO, Claudio; DAAMS, Joost G.; PRAKASH, K.C.; KUIJER, Paul P.F.M., et al. The effect of occupational exposure to ergonomic risk factors on osteoarthritis of hip or knee and selected other musculoskeletal diseases: a systematic review and meta-analysis from the WHO/ILO Joint Estimates of the Work-related Burden of Disease and Injury. Environment International [en línea]. 2019, 25, 23 p. [Consulta 24.02.2021]. ISSN: 0160-4120. DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2020.106349.
Antecedentes: La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) están desarrollando estimaciones conjuntas de la carga de enfermedades y lesiones relacionadas con el trabajo, con contribuciones de una amplia red de expertos. La evidencia de datos mecanicistas sugiere que la exposición ocupacional a factores de riesgo ergonómicos puede causar otras enfermedades musculoesqueléticas seleccionadas, además del dolor de espalda o cuello (TME) u osteoartritis de cadera o rodilla. Objetivos: El objetivo fue revisar sistemáticamente y meta-analizar estimaciones del efecto de la exposición ocupacional a factores de riesgo ergonómicos (esfuerzo de fuerza, postura exigente, repetitividad, vibración mano-brazo, levantamiento, arrodillamiento y / o en cuclillas y escalada) sobre TME y OA (osteoartritis) (dos resultados: prevalencia e incidencia). Se realizaron búsquedas en bases de datos académicas electrónicas en busca de registros potencialmente relevantes de estudios publicados y no publicados, incluido el Registro Internacional de Ensayos, Ovid, Medline, EMBASE y CISDOC, etc. Conclusiones: En general, para ambos resultados, el cuerpo principal de evidencia se evaluó como de baja calidad. La exposición ocupacional a factores de riesgo ergonómicos aumentó el riesgo de adquirir TME y de adquirir OA de rodilla o cadera. 
Antecedents: L'Organització Mundial de la Salut (OMS) i l'Organització Internacional del Treball (OIT) estan desenvolupant estimacions conjuntes de la càrrega de malalties i lesions relacionades amb el treball, amb contribucions d'una àmplia xarxa d'experts. L'evidència de dades mecanicistes suggereix que l'exposició ocupacional a factors de risc ergonòmics pot causar altres malalties musculoesquelètiques seleccionades, a més del dolor d'esquena o coll (TME) o osteoartritis de maluc o genoll. Objectius: L'objectiu va ser revisar sistemàticament i meta-analitzar estimacions de l'efecte de l'exposició ocupacional a factors de risc ergonòmics (esforç de força, postura exigent, repetitivitat, vibració rage-braç, alçament, agenollament i / o a la gatzoneta i escalada) sobre TME i OA (osteoartritis) (dos resultats: prevalença i incidència). Es van realitzar cerques en bases de dades acadèmiques electròniques a la recerca de registres potencialment rellevants d'estudis publicats i no publicats, inclòs el Registre Internacional d'Assajos, Ovid, Medline, EMBASE i CISDOC, etc. Conclusions: En general, per a tots dos resultats, el cos principal d'evidència es va avaluar com de baixa qualitat. L'exposició ocupacional a factors de risc ergonòmics va augmentar el risc d'adquirir TME i d'adquirir OA de genoll o maluc. 
Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) are developing joint estimates of the work-related burden of disease and injury (WHO/ILO Joint Estimates), with contributions from a large network of experts. Evidence from mechanistic data suggests that occupational exposure to ergonomic risk factors may cause selected other musculoskeletal diseases, other than back or neck pain (MSD) or osteoarthritis of hip or knee. Objectives: We aimed to systematically review and meta-analyse estimates of the effect of occupational exposure to ergonomic risk factors (force exertion, demanding posture, repetitiveness, hand-arm vibration, lifting, kneeling and/or squatting, and climbing) on MSD and OA (two outcomes: prevalence and incidence). We developed and published a protocol, applying the Navigation Guide as an organizing systematic review framework where feasible. We searched electronic academic databases for potentially relevant records from published and unpublished studies, including the International Trials Register, Ovid Medline, EMBASE, and CISDOC. We also searched electronic grey literature databases, Internet search engines and organizational websites; hand-searched reference list of previous systematic reviews and included study records; and consulted additional experts. Conclusions: Overall, for both outcomes, the main body of evidence was assessed as being of low quality. Occupational exposure to ergonomic risk factors increased the risk of acquiring MSD and of acquiring OA of knee or hip. We judged the body of human evidence on the relationship between exposure to occupational ergonomic factors and MSD as "limited evidence of harmfulness" and the relationship between exposure to occupational ergonomic factors and OA also as "limited evidence of harmfulness". These relative risks might perhaps be suitable as input data for WHO/ILO modelling of work-related burden of disease and injury.