VAN DE CAUTER, Joy; VAN SCHOORISSE, Hanna; VAN DE VELDE, Dominique; Motmans, Joz; BRAECKMAN, Lutgart (2021). Return to work of transgender people: A systematic review through the blender of occupational health - INVASSAT
Atrás VAN DE CAUTER, Joy; VAN SCHOORISSE, Hanna; VAN DE VELDE, Dominique; Motmans, Joz; BRAECKMAN, Lutgart (2021). Return to work of transgender people: A systematic review through the blender of occupational health
VAN DE CAUTER, Joy; VAN SCHOORISSE, Hanna; VAN DE VELDE, Dominique; Motmans, Joz; BRAECKMAN, Lutgart (2021). Return to work of transgender people: A systematic review through the blender of occupational health
VAN DE CAUTER, Joy; VAN SCHOORISSE, Hanna; VAN DE VELDE, Dominique; Motmans, Joz; BRAECKMAN, Lutgart. Return to work of transgender people: A systematic review through the blender of occupational health. PLoS One [en línea]. 2021. 16, 11. 43 p. [Consulta: 15.11.2021]. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0259206.
Antecedentes y objetivos: El regreso al trabajo (RTW) o la reanudación del trabajo después de una ausencia laboral por razones psicosociales o médicas beneficia el bienestar de una persona, incluidas las personas transgénero, y es hoy en día un dominio de investigación importante. El objetivo es examinar, a través de una lente ocupacional, la literatura que reporta resultados objetivos de RTW y experiencias en personas transgénero para sintetizar lo que se sabe sobre el regreso al trabajo (tiempo completo, tiempo parcial o autónomo) y describir qué brechas persisten. Conclusión y recomendaciones: Pocos estudios han explorado las características laborales y las experiencias de las personas transgénero (TP). RTW es un proceso dinámico junto con la transición en sí misma, que debe adaptarse a través de políticas de apoyo, educación, un plan de transición y adaptaciones laborales con la ayuda de expertos externos. Los estudios futuros deben incluir más información ocupacional e informar los resultados de RTW para mejorar nuestro conocimiento sobre la orientación de TP y dar paso a estudios de intervención.
Antecedents i objectius: El retorn al treball (RTW) o la represa del treball després d'una absència laboral per raons psicosocials o metgesses beneficia el benestar d'una persona, incloses les persones transgènere, i és hui dia un domini d'investigació important. L'objectiu és examinar, a través d'una lent ocupacional, la literatura que reporta resultats objectius de RTW i experiències en persones transgènere per a sintetitzar el que se sap sobre el retorn al treball (temps complet, temps parcial o autònom) i descriure quines bretxes persisteixen. Conclusió i recomanacions: Pocs estudis han explorat les característiques laborals i les experiències de les persones transgènere (TP). RTW és un procés dinàmic juntament amb la transició en si mateixa, que ha d'adaptar-se a través de polítiques de suport, educació, un pla de transició i adaptacions laborals amb l'ajuda d'experts externs. Els estudis futurs han d'incloure més informació ocupacional i informar els resultats de RTW per a millorar el nostre coneixement sobre l'orientació de TP i donar pas a estudis d'intervenció.
Background and objectives: Return to work (RTW) or work resumption after a work absence due to psychosocial or medical reasons benefits the well-being of a person, including transgender people, and is nowadays a major research domain. The objective is to examine, through an occupational lens, the literature reporting objective RTW outcomes and experiences in transgender people to (a) synthesize what is known about return to work (full-time, part-time, or self-employed) and (b) describe which gaps persist. Methods & sample: Several databases and the gray literature were explored systematically. Studies between November 1, 2006 and March 1, 2021 revealing RTW quantitative and qualitative data of adult transgender people were eligible. This review was registered on PROSPERO (CRD42019128395) on April 30, 2019. Results: Among the 14,592 articles initially identified, 97 fulfilled the inclusion criteria which resulted in 20 being analyzed. Objective RTW outcomes, such as number of RTW attempts, time to RTW or number of sick days, were lacking; thus, other relevant work outcomes were reported. Compared to the general population, lower employment rates and more economic distress were observed, with trans women in particular saying that their work situation had deteriorated. Research on positive RTW experiences was highlighted by the importance of disclosure, the support from especially managers and coworkers who acted as mediators, personal coping, and a transition plan along with work accommodations. Negative work experiences, such as demotion, lay-offs, and discrimination were often prominent together with a lack of knowledge of trans issues among all stakeholders, including occupational health professionals. Conclusion & recommendations: Few studies have explored employment characteristics and experiences of transgender people (TP). RTW is a dynamic process along with transition in itself, which should be tailored through supportive policies, education, a transition plan and work accommodations with the help of external experts. Future studies should include more occupational information and report RTW outcomes to enhance our knowledge about the guidance of TP and to make way for interventional studies.