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Atrás PETERSON, Scott A. (2019); WOLKOW, Alexander P.; LOCKLEY, Steven W.; O'BRIEN, Conor S. et al. Associations between shift work characteristics, shift work schedules, sleep and burnout in North American police officers: a cross-sectional study.

PETERSON, Scott A. (2019); WOLKOW, Alexander P.; LOCKLEY, Steven W.; O'BRIEN, Conor S. et al. Associations between shift work characteristics, shift work schedules, sleep and burnout in North American police officers: a cross-sectional study.

PETERSON, Scott A.; WOLKOW, Alexander P.; LOCKLEY, Steven W.; O'BRIEN, Conor S. et al. Associations between shift work characteristics, shift work schedules, sleep and burnout in North American police officers: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open [online]. 2019. 9:e030302. [Consulta: 09.12.2019]. ISSN: 2044-6055. <>
Resumen: El estudio examina las asociaciones entre las características del trabajo por turnos en la policía y el burnout y si la duración del sueño y la somnolencia se asociaron con el agotamiento. Se concluye que los horarios irregulares y el aumento de los turnos nocturnos, los trastornos del sueño y las horas de trabajo están relacionados con un mayor riesgo de burnout en la policía. La investigación futura debe evaluar la regulación de los horarios de trabajo para optimiza la duración y la frecuencia de los turnos, y aumentar la coherencia en la programación y el control sobre las horas de trabajo para limitar el agotamiento en la policía.
Resum: L'estudi examina les associacions entre les característiques del treball per torns en la policia i el burnout i si la duració del somni i la somnolència es van associar amb l'esgotament. Es conclou que els horaris irregulars i l'augment dels torns nocturns, els trastorns del somni i les hores de treball estan relacionats amb un major risc de *burnout en la policia. La investigació futura ha d'avaluar la regulació dels horaris de treball per a optimitza la duració i la freqüència dels torns, i augmentar la coherència en la programació i el control sobre les hores de treball per a limitar l'esgotament en la policia.
Abstract: "Objectives To examine associations between shift work characteristics and schedules on burnout in police and whether sleep duration and sleepiness were associated with burnout. Methods Police officers (n=3140) completed the Maslach Burnout Inventory (emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation, personal accomplishment) and self-reported shift schedules (irregular, rotating, fixed), shift characteristics (night, duration, frequency, work hours), sleep duration and sleepiness. Results Irregular schedules, long shifts (≥11 hours), mandatory overtime, short sleep and sleepiness were associated with increased risk of overall burnout in police. Police working a greater frequency of long shifts were more likely to have emotional exhaustion (adjusted OR 1.91, 95% CI 1.35 to 2.72) than those not working long shifts. Night shifts were associated with depersonalisation (1.32, 1.05 to 1.66) compared with not working nights. Police working mandatory overtime had increased risk of emotional exhaustion (1.37, 1.14 to 1.65) than those who did not. Compared with fixed schedules, irregular schedules were associated with emotional exhaustion and depersonalisation (1.91, 1.44 to 2.54 and 1.39, 1.02 to 1.89, respectively). Police sleeping <6 hours were more likely to have emotional exhaustion (1.60, 1.33 to 1.93) than those sleeping longer, and excessive sleepiness was associated with emotional exhaustion (1.81, 1.50 to 2.18). Conclusions Irregular schedules and increased night shifts, sleep disturbances and work hours were related to higher burnout risk in police. Future research should evaluate work schedules in law enforcement that optimise shift duration and frequency, and increase consistency in scheduling and control over work hours to limit burnout in police."
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