
Memoria prevencionista

Memoria prevencionista: galería fotográfica

Fueling a plane

Hollem, Howard R. Fueling a plane at the Naval Air Base. Corpus Christi, Texas. 1942 August. The Library of Congress via Flickr. No known copyright restrictions.

Tailors at work

A. H. Poole. Tailors at work in Hearne's at 63-64. The Quay, Waterford. National library of Ireland. Vía Flickr. No known copyright restrictions.

Remolque barco

Towing a ship. The Netherlands. 27 May 1931. National Archief. via Flickr. No known copyright restrictions.


John Thomson. Workers on the Silent Highway London, England. 1877. LSE Library  via Flickr. No known copyright restrictions.


Jan de Jong. Farolero. Maastricht, Paises Bajos. 24 de marzo de1933. Nationaal Archief via Flickr. Sin restricciones de derechos de autor conocidas.

Apolo 11

Apollo 11 Recovery Area. July, 24th 1969. NASA on The Commons via Flickr. No known copyright restrictions.

Tratamiento eléctrico y sala de rayos x


R. L. Sirus. Firefighters. 12th september 1884. The National Archives UK via Flickr. No known copyright restrictions.

Chorro de arena






National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) from USA - Sandblasting with protective gear. NIOSH vía Flickr Public Domain.

Excavaciones yacimiento Gran Dolina

Mario Modesto Mata. Excavaciones en el yacimiento de Gran Dolina, en Atapuerca (España). 14/7/2008. Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0

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