Galería fotográfica - INVASSAT
2012 - Stuart ISETT
[2012] Stuart ISETT. "Washington State's newest 144-car ferry is underway". Seattle, Washington, Estados Unidos / Estats Units. 2012. Washington State Dept of Transportation, vía Flickr. (3)
2012 - Truong HUU HUNG
[2012] Truong HUU HUNG. "Children work on a garbage field". Child Labour Photo Contest 2012. Vietnam. 2012. OIT, vía Flickr. (3)
2012 - ZORIAH Mille
[2012] ZORIAH Miller. "Young trash collectors weighing cans and bottles at a roadside weigh station near a city dump". Bangladesh. 2012. Zoriah Photojournalist. (3)
2012 - Hoang Dinh Chieu
[2012] Hoang Dinh Chieu. An indigenous boy carries a big wood trunk home in Viet Nam's northern mountain. En ILO in Asia and the Pacific. Child Labour Photo Contest 2012 Second Prize. Vietnam. 2012. Via Flickr. (3)
2013 - Rajarshi MITRA
[2013] Rajarshi MITRA. "Working class hero!" Bombay, India / Bombai, Índia. 2013. Flickr. (3)
2013 - Victor DUMESNY.
[2013] Victor DUMESNY. "Safety First in Thailand". Bangkok, Tailandia / Bangkok, Tailàndia. 2013. Flickr. (3)
2014 - Josep CASTEL
[2014] Josep CASTELL. "Construction workers in Anuradhapura". Sri Lanka. 2014. Flickr. (3)
[1914 - Eugene de SALIGNAC
[1914] Eugene de SALIGNAC. "Painters on the Brooklyn Bridge Suspender Cables-October 7, 1914". Nueva York, Estados Unidos / Nova York, Estats Units. 1914. Museum of Photographic Arts, vía Flickr. (1)
Anthophyllite asbestos, Georgia
"Anthophyllite asbestos, Georgia". Estados Unidos. USGS Denver Microbeam Laboratory. (2)
Arbeider in asbestkleding
"Arbeider in asbestkleding = Worker wearing protecting clothes (asbestos)" Fecha y lugar desconocidos / Data i lloc desconeguts. Nationaal Archief, via Flickr. (1)
(1) Documento sin restricciones conocidas de derechos de autor. (2) Documento en el dominio público. (3) Documento compartido bajo licencia Creative Commons. / (1) Document sense restriccions conegudes de drets d'autor. (2) Document en el domini públic. (3) Document compartit amb llicència Creative Commons.