
Memoria prevencionista

Memoria prevencionista: galería fotográfica

Clark-Sulzer engine

View of a Clark-Sulzer engine on a low loader trailerSunderland, April 1955. Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums via Flickr. No known copyright restrictions.

Dugan Brothers

Robert Yarnall Richie. Dugan Brothers. Long Island, New York, or New Jersey, 1938. SMU Central University Libraries via Flickr. No known copyright restrictions.

O'Gorman Motor Works

A. H. Poole. An inside view of O'Gorman Motor Works at Prior Park in Clonmel, Co. Tipperary. Monday, 30 April 1934. National Library of Ireland via Flickr. No known copyright restrictions.

Bell System Telephone Switchboard


Hine, Lewis Wickes. Longshoremen. This shows the prevailing method of transferring bananas from the end on the conveyor that carries them from the hold of the ship onto the dock. New York. 7/1937. The U.S. National Archives via Flickr. No known copyright restrictions. 

Weavers at work

Byron. Weavers at work. Between 1910 and 1915. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington via Flickr. No known copyright restrictions

Pinion department

Richie, Robert Yarnall. Women working in the Pinion Department at Bulova Watch. New York, 1937. SMU Central University Libraries via Flickr. No known copyright restrictions.

Steam power

A. H. Poole. Steam power. Waterford, August 1905. National Library of Ireland via Flickr. No known copyright restrictions.

Magdalene Vinnen

MAGDALENE VINNEN docked in Woolloomooloo. Woolloomooloo, March 1933. Australian National Maritime Museum via Flickr. No known copyright restrictions.

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